Training Opportunities

Below is the calendar of all known technology training opportunities in the schools of SAU70. This calendar and these session descriptions will be updated as more sessions are scheduled. Any presentation materials related to these sessions will be attached below.


RMS workshops will be in the RMS iMac Lab (room 700) and start at 3:15pm.

Monday, February 23: Twitter (PPT presentation attached below)

Many of us are already using it, just ask @rmsnurse, @rmsyates, @RMSPhysicalEdu, @rmslibrarian, @mlepene, @rmsreading etc. Come learn how to set up an account, how Twitter can keep you in the loop professionally and of course, how to tweet!

Monday, March 2: Google Sketchup

Come learn how to make 3d sketchup drawings like the one of Rollin’s Chapel pictured on the left. Ok, you won’t make something like this right away, but the basics of creating forms and learning the basic tools of Sketchup will be taught.

Tuesday, March 10: iMovie iPad

Learn how to put together an iMovie on the iPad complete with video, pictures and sound. We’ll also go over how to save and share movies and discuss how using iMovie might be helpful to a lesson you’re already doing!

Tuesday, March 17: Explain Everything, iPad App

Explain Everything is one of the most used iPad Apps in our school. It provides a great platform for students to show you how they solve a problem through text, voice, drawing, or pictures.

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