Pages compatibility

The version of Pages that the schools currently support is Pages '09. You can click the Pages menu and select "About Pages" to see what version you have:

This is the version we have on our lab computers, carts, teacher laptops, etc.

IF YOU HAVE UPGRADED YOUR MAC to OS X Mavericks (10.9) and you have subsequently obtained the free upgrade to the latest version of Pages, then YOUR "About Pages" will look like this:

(Notice that it says "version 5.1" in small gray text under the word "Pages".)

This is ALSO the version that iPads are running, if your iPad has Pages and you keep up with app updates, or if you have a school-issued iPad.

Please read the following bold text carefully:

If you create a document in this new version of Pages, on an iPad OR on an updated Mac, and you send it to someone with the older version, then they will NOT be able to open your document.

Similarly, if you start a document in this version of Pages, then bring it to school and try to work on it using a school computer, you will NOT be able to do so.

In either of these scenarios, you MUST use the File -> "Export" command to save your document -- for example, using the older, Pages '09 format:

(As you can see, there are other options there too, like PDF and Word.)

Please remember to think about file formats and compatibility before you transfer a document. It is YOUR responsibility to make your documents are compatible for others who may not be running the same version of the software as you are.

As with most written documents, if you're sending the final version (i.e. you're not going to work on it anymore,) then we strongly recommend PDF.

If you have any questions, please visit your school's lab or tech office and we will be happy to help you.